RAVI - Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps

Made with liquid ring technology these pupmps are designed to handle air, gas, vapours also with liquid parts in suspension.

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Assured Quality

RAVI pumps are tested as per BS 726/1571 for listed capacity. All pumps are guaranteed for about 12 months of trouble-free operation and defective parts.

Our parts are identical and interchangable with SLM Maneklal, PPI, VINDI.


Special Features


Choice of Types

Type RV Suction Capacity CMH Motor HP Speed RPM Water Consumption
LT / Min
Appex. Weight
Bare Machine Kg.
RV 1 50 3 2850 7 34
RV 2 80 5 2850 10 42
RV 3 120 7.5 2850 14 50
RV 4 160 7.5 1450 20 170
RV 5 220 10 1450 20 185
RV 6 330 15 1450 30 220
RV 7 440 20 1450 40 245
RV 8 720 30 980 60 495
RV 9 845 35 980 800 515
RV 10 1080 40 980 100 530
RV 11 1500 65 725 150 910
RV 12 2025 90 725 200 1080
Important Notes:
* Horse power figures are for vacuum pumps. For compressors HP details will be given on request.
* Maximum pressure for liquid ring compressors- 1.5 Kg/CM2 with single stage M/C & 3Kg/CM2 in two stage M/C
* Maximum vacuum by liquid ring vacuum pump- 710 MM of HG. With Liquid at 30ºC and barometer at 760 mm of HG
* Guranteed vaccuum upto 710 mm Hg at close suction
* Higher vacuum can be achieved by using chilled water as seal medium
* Suction capacity mentioned is at open suction

Choice of Materials


Contact Us

95, Adarsh Co-op. Ind. Estate,
Rakhial, Ahmedabad - 380023

+91 (982) 550 3937
+91 (987) 959 7840